Oliver Bonnet makes good ideas
into good deeds.

This is how the Oliver Bonnet Pica-Pau Special Edition came about,
fantastic figurines of species from the Argentinean Patagonia that come to your hands to give a hand to others.

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Threats to the Gray Fox

Poaching for their fur and by farmers for eating small animals that they raise in their fields or farms. For more than 100 years the government has promoted in several Argentinean provinces, and still continues to do so in Patagonia, an economic incentive for skins. The conflict between ranchers and foxes is as old as the beginning of the activity.

In Patagonia there is a lack of tools to find a balance between wool production and the coexistence of native species.

A tender and fun way to help

Each Oliver Bonnet Pica Pau is unique and unrepeatable and its aim is to HELP:

• HELPING women in vulnerable situations, teaching them a dignified trade and allowing them to
allowing them to generate their own income.

• TO HELP species of our Patagonia, to know their realities, supporting and financing actions of education, research and
financing actions of education, research and protection.


Three Associations that weave a network of solidarity

With different realities, located in different localities and with totally different missions, these 3 associations
interweave their strengths to create a new way of helping and empowering each other. Because as Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to say: 
«I do what you cannot, and you do what I cannot.» Together we can do great things.

AMA Asociación Mónaco Argentina

Is a non-profit association, founded in 2006.
Based in the Principality of Monaco and
representation in Argentina. Formed by
enthusiastic people and committed to
solidarity work. It works together with
other associations in 3 fundamental pillars:


Its mission is to promote ideas, discover talents
and generate possibilities.

Fundación Protejamos

Located in Península de Valdés, Argentina, the foundation is made up of a team of friends and professionals who decided to unite their desire
to care for the Patagonian flora and fauna.
Initiating and promoting projects of sustainable development or Ecotourism projects in reserves, protected natural areas or with a view to develop,
so that their natural habitat is guaranteed by means
of a conservation plan for their wildlife.

Making the way

Since 2006 they have been working to
improve the quality of life of children and families
in a situation of social vulnerability in the
North of Argentina. The prevention of child
malnutrition, the human promotion and
integral education, are the main
areas of work of Haciendo Camino so that
beneficiary families can face the present and
the future with better opportunities. 
A commitment to a country in which all families
have sufficient tools to improve their quality
of life through their own efforts.

Where to get your Oliver Bonnet Pica Pau ?

If you are interested in having your Pica Pau, or you would like to sell them in your business,
or you would like to collaborate with this project, do not hesitate to write to us, and we will contact you.