AMA Asociación Mónaco Argentina
Is a non-profit association, founded in 2006.
Based in the Principality of Monaco and
representation in Argentina. Formed by
enthusiastic people and committed to
solidarity work. It works together with
other associations in 3 fundamental pillars:
Its mission is to promote ideas, discover talents
and generate possibilities.

Fundación Protejamos
Located in Península de Valdés, Argentina, the foundation is made up of a team of friends and professionals who decided to unite their desire
to care for the Patagonian flora and fauna.
Initiating and promoting projects of sustainable development or Ecotourism projects in reserves, protected natural areas or with a view to develop,
so that their natural habitat is guaranteed by means
of a conservation plan for their wildlife.

Making the way
Since 2006 they have been working to
improve the quality of life of children and families
in a situation of social vulnerability in the
North of Argentina. The prevention of child
malnutrition, the human promotion and
integral education, are the main
areas of work of Haciendo Camino so that
beneficiary families can face the present and
the future with better opportunities.
A commitment to a country in which all families
have sufficient tools to improve their quality
of life through their own efforts.